Sunday, December 7, 2008

An Introduction

If you've found yourself at this corner of the Internet you're likely a friend of mine on facebook. Or just stumbled across this thing.

I'm a young journalist in Kentucky who grew up in St. Paul listening to Mischke, and I heard the terrible news this morning that his show was cancelled.

My reaction was strange. I felt profoundly sad. I realize it's just a radio show, but it was a part of my story. Figured I'd carve out a little space on the Internet to write about it.

I know I'm not alone, so I encourage anyone reading this to email me your story at

As I'm writing this I'm realizing this is all starting to sound like some twisted support group. Maybe it is. I work in a small town, and like a lot of bloggers I have a lot of time on my hands. I also really miss good ol' St. Paul. Maybe this will become a blog about St. Paul. I dunno.

Who knows, there might be somebody at KSTP that stumbles across this or the handful of other Mischke fansites. (Check out or and change their minds.

Anyway, looking back at the posts so far, they're rather somber. The Mischke Broadcast was far from somber, so let's try to lighten this thing up.

Good Luck and thanks for reading.

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